
S eating and Y's birthday

S eating num num

S eating num num

Y's birthday cake

Y's birthday cake cut piece

A couple of pretty clouds seen from Costco parking lot

pretty clouds

pretty clouds

Lots of alligator lizard skinks

Cute baby alligator lizard skink
alligator lizard skink
alligator lizard skink
alligator lizard skink
alligator lizard skink
alligator lizard skink
alligator lizard skink
alligator lizard skink


A mix of all the other stuff

Mount Rainier looked really good that day

A fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar

A fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar

weird looking clouds

more clouds

Jennings park sign on a pretty day

Philips batteries

Red flecked sky at night 

A sink moth

A weird beetle that played dead when I touched it

I cast a long shadow

A pretty day, lots of blue sky and white clouds

A beautiful orange striped garter snake

A small green tree frog we found on a hot day ~80 degrees, after weeks of hot weather - it was not near water

Did someone call for a plumber?  I'm ready to battle tough clogs!


more panorama fun

nice looking clouds

these clouds were redder in real life

I cast a long shadow

New kids Aug/Sep

K riding a camel

K riding a camel

K S in a shark jaw

K in a shark jaw with pink explosion

K S in a hurricane tube

K S in a hurricane tube

K S in a hurricane tube

S on a pony

K on a horse

M S Y K eating lunch

K on bungee bouncer ride

K on bungee bouncer ride

K on bungee bouncer ride - wild hair!

K on bungee bouncer ride

K on bungee bouncer ride

M ane S - she took my popsicle and didn't want to share

This is what makes momey angry!  Kids in the dust

This is what makes momey angry!  Kids in the dust

This is what makes momey angry!  S in the dust

This is what makes momey angry!  S in the dust

K with neighbors - painting party!

S sliding

S the fashion model shopping

S the fashion model shopping

S the fashion model shopping - stop what you are doing --  you have made me angry@!

S on dino

K on dino

S put her own hat on