
Camera phone pics of the kids

K dressed up as Harry Potter  ;-)

S eating num num

Y's thumb is bigger the S

S and the book night light

K at rain forrest cafe

K and S looking cute

K the fashionista

S - raawwwwrrr I'm scary!

S - raawwwwrrr I'm scary!

S - raawwwwrrr I'm scary!

S with cupcake

Other stuff for now

Pretty clouds for December

A ball of clay - turned out pretty, then K smashed it

K artwork, dollar bill themed coasters - including Frankenstein Jackson on the $20

Bok choi and friends

K artwork, dollar bill themed coasters - including goth George Washington on the $1

K artwork - sparkly red unicorn with a bent horn

K artwork - sparkly red unicorn with a bent horn

K artwork - sparkly red unicorn with a bent horn

K's comic - Super Meow Meow

K artwork - sparkly red unicorn with a bent horn

K artwork paper doll with dress

K's comic - Super Meow Meow --- can be yours for only $10k

S birthday party

K S and Minnie wrestling

At the dinner table

S ripping open gifts, K helping

S and R making music

S ripping open gifts

S happy baby with gifts!

The cake!

S with cake.... she didn't actually get any, she had her own fruit tart

S - newest Seahawks fan in her Seahawks jersey - all ready to cheer!

New kids pic- lotsa!

Here are all the new videos of the kids and some other stuff:

S drawing

K painting minis

Go Seahawks for xmas!

K hitting the sparkling apple cider

K with part of the xmas haul

S rolly polly

S on stairs with pens

S on stairs with pens

S K with part of the xmas haul

xmas tree

xmas tree

S wrote on herself

S wrote on herself

S eating sushi

K at pump it up

K with 3DS

K at pump it up

S at pump it up

S at pump it up

K at pump it up playing air hockey with M

K at pump it up playing air hockey with M

K at pump it up playing air hockey

S and E going faster then the speed of light(camera can't even catch us)

S at pump it up

K at pump it up

K S Y and gma

K at pump it up - birthday cake

K at pump it up, sitting in big chair

K at pump it up

K at pump it up - birthday cake

K S at pump it up

K S at pump it up

K at pump it up

K S at pump it up

K at pump it up

K at pump it up

S playing in car

K S Y sitting on couch

S and E sleeping on couch

Dinner time with K S Y

K S eating pop pop - yah!

S sneaking up on me

S crying with a headband

S crying with a with out a headband

S crying with a headband

My daughter loves me, especially on 'no TV tuesdays'

S and R and a kazoo

K making super meow meow comic

S with grandma

K being cute!

S - baby in a box