
Lots of random pics 2013-05-21

pretty orange flowers

One of the bets bird pictures I have taken(I'm not normally a bird watcher) -  Saw this great looking heron on a perfect sunny day

Wild bunny rabbit

Alligator lizard skink in the sun

Mark and I accidentally play 2 player clue... we get done playing and we're like, that didn't seem correct.... we look at the rules again....   3 or more players!

Mark and I accidentally play 2 player clue... we get done playing and we're like, that didn't seem correct.... we look at the rules again....   3 or more players!

Mark and I play Mille Borne - and its total pwnage!

Dad caught a fish this big!

A parakeet that escaped and was in a pine tree.

Grandpa Cats Kodak box camera No. 2A Brownie model C

Grandpa Cats Kodak box camera No. 2A Brownie model C

used my GPS tagging of my camera - at the Northgate mall

new bug insect spider post 2013-05-21

My youtube insect playlist, added some new bug movies:

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - very large vicious looking mama ground spider protecting eggs

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - very large vicious looking mama ground spider protecting eggs

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - very large vicious looking mama ground spider protecting eggs

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - very large vicious looking mama ground spider protecting eggs

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - very large vicious looking mama ground spider protecting eggs

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - very large vicious looking mama ground spider protecting eggs

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - vicious looking mama ground spider

Hacklemesh Weaver Spider - vicious looking mama ground spider

An earth worm

very large click beetle_black with yellow spots_does finally click

very large click beetle_black with yellow spots_does finally click

very large click beetle_black with yellow spots_does finally click

very large click beetle_black with yellow spots_does finally click

Orange and Black striped beetle on a piece of grass

Orange and Black striped beetle on a piece of grass - caught it just right - opening wings to fly away

weird fly I found walking around on the cement - posed for a nice pic

tent caterpillars - found these on a bush - and only 1 nest - 1st time I had seen these on a bush, they are usually on trees, and usually there are a lot of them, not just 1 nest.....

The Washington state national treasure - giant banana slug

The Washington state bird - giant banana slug

black beetle  with orange spots and mites - good pic of the mite on its face(I think I'd react if I had a mite on my face...) 

black beetle  with orange spots and mites - accidentally flipped it over.... it did not like that  the jaws and the claws came out.....  I think this is the beetle that strips carcasses, so I'd not like to have it get too near my finger......  It looks a lot like the beetle I saw on a dead cat a long time ago(back in the 1980s) --- but I got no picture of that so its in the fuzzy depths of memory - so comparison is not exact.... also its the same type of beetle we saw awhile back at another park that was covered in mites that had been stepped on, and the guts were coming out(see an older blog post)

moth on the side of the house with an interesting brown and white pattern

an explosion of baby orb weaver spiderlings

a widow or false widow spider - somewhat similar looking to the brown widow, but not quite the same markings... very interesting pattern though... had web all around it, wish I could have gotten closer, but also some spiders of this type will bite(heard its about like a bee sting or worse, not gonna try and and out)

a widow or false widow spider - somewhat similar looking to the brown widow, but not quite the same markings... very interesting pattern though... had web all around it, wish I could have gotten closer, but also some spiders of this type will bite(heard its about like a bee sting or worse, not gonna try and and out)

A plate armored millipede

lots of small red ants and their larva.... one of these got on me, and I had the creepy crawlies all night

lots of small red ants and their larva.... one of these got on me, and I had the creepy crawlies all night

weird looking rust speckled potato bug (sow bug) next to a normal grey one


New kids pics 2013-05-20

Finally took a bunch of pictures and movies with my new Canon SX280 HS camera.

A lot of them turned out great.

link to new videos:


3 generations of women, my daughters, my wife, my mom

Nana Grandma with 2 cute kids

K played with the candle snuffer and got sook all over her fingers and her face

S has a tea party with twigs

S and her beloved Frankie......   This is her current joke - she says "knock knock", you say "who's there?" she says "Fwankie(Frankie)", you say "Frankie who?", she says "knock knock", you say "who's there?" she says "Mark", you say "Mark who?", she says  "knock knock", you say "who's there?" she says "Mark and Fwankie(Frankie)", you say "Mark and Frankie who?" --- at which point she's done, time to start over the joke...... we went for a walk in the park, she must have repeated the joke 30 times..... she thought it got funnier every time...... her other joke she repeated many times was:  she says "knock knock", you say "who's there?" she says "Mark's house"... thats the end of the joke, this was also repeated many times....  ;-)

S riding a scooter - beep beep

K posing for the camera in the swimming pool

S and mommy being silly at the pool

K looking ready for the Olympics with her diving form

K and Mark eating salad.... the most exciting picture on the internets - just look at Mark's face

S K Frankie.... Hoola Hoop

S K .... Hoola Hoop - great picture of S captured in the middle of the hoola hoop

Mark, his sister, and K did origami

Mark, his sister, and K did origami

Mark, his sister, and K did origami

Grandpa K S super cuddles!!!!!!!

Grandpa K S super cuddles!!!!!!!

Grandpa K S super cuddles!!!!!!!  Grandpa must have fallen asleep.

S and Ron at the park

S and Andre the giant Ron at the park on the teeter totter - she looks tiny

K winning at Fossil Monopoly - excitement!

K doesn't like how clue is going - anti-excitement!

S gets caught in the fish eye effect with a fufa

The origami we did - I did a fish... it was really hard.  ;-)

The origami we did - butterfly

The origami we did - butterfly

The origami we did - butterfly