
bugs animals food scenery and everything else post for July

giant brown slug we found in the yard - the movie I took was way too dark as it was evening and the sun was going down

Bright orange sea snail we saw at the beach

the view at Meadowdale beach park


a closeup  of some animal skin - what is it?

An Elephant

An armored walking stick



Giant orb weaver spider you can get real close to at the zoo - I have  taken close ups of these a few times over the years because I thought they weren't dangerous, but I was reading about them on the internet and someone posted that their bite feels like a bee sting, so I was a little more careful this time

walking stick

walking stick

weird looking lions mane mushrooms

weird looking lions mane mushrooms

a snail shell - this is huge for the kind of snail it is - largest I have see by at least double size

alligator lizard

alligator lizard tail - it is regrown and has an unusual tip

yummy cutlets - large batch

yummy cutlets - baby style

The view at the Arlington pond near where my G-ma lives

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