
Random post of everything else 2013-07-24

Is everything from Korea good?  Korean Barbecue Recipe pork..... I'm not usually a pork fan, but this stuff is good.  Even the neighbors come over to eat this.

A ship on Puget sound


Seaweed in the waves

beach grass

Piling worm jerky

beach rocks

beach rocks

beach rocks

beach rocks

pretty flowers

pretty flowers

a brown house

rebuilding where the bank collapsed

Chia seeds - yes people eat them now

Chia seeds on dinner!

garter snake skin

10 year old clown pleco plecostomus

the elusive and desired baby seal mighty beanz

Chia seeds on home made jam and fresh ground peanut butter on naan bread!

A garter snake well hidden in its cave rock lair

trees and a very blue sky

A very fat garter snake - see the belly get bigger

The proper color for a cup of coffee is on the right

Mark started a rock garden, S and I helped move some rocks

Mark's landscaping around his tree

The moon came out during the day to say hi

A nice duck shot

Our rock garden

This rock looks like a hippo

booty and the beast picture - think it really should be beauty and the beast

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