
New kids pics and joined by the cousins

Link to all the new movies:

Ethan and cousin S

A nice pic of Ethan at the beach with the 2 cousins S and B

S with mommy - nice natural lens flare

S with mommy - nice natural lens flare

K lost her front tooth

K playing ring toss

S has started mugging for the camera

S - the cute little baby model posing for her photo shoot - ridiculously photogenic baby

S - the cute little baby model posing for her photo shoot - ridiculously photogenic baby

S - the cute little baby model posing for her photo shoot - ridiculously photogenic baby

S - the cute little baby model posing for her photo shoot - ridiculously photogenic baby

S eating messing jam

K - grrrrr

K on a pony at the at the strawberry festival marysville

S on a pony at the at the strawberry festival marysville

K on a pony at the at the strawberry festival marysville

K jumping at the strawberry festival marysville

K eating a giant shaved ice at the strawberry festival marysville

S - the cute little baby model posing for her photo shoot - ridiculously photogenic baby: she loves to cook eggs, eating them, not so much

K S at McDonalds

S hoola hooping it up

K S - sparkly witch and princess purple - scared faces

K S - sparkly witch and princess purple

K, S, and cousin S, Ron, Ethan cousin B backwards

Ron helping S down a steep part of the trail

S pointing at all the cute ducks

S crying in the car

S crying in the car

K flipping on the bouncy jumper at the strawberry festival marysville
in action

The random stuff post for the month

Mark buying a beer mug necklace

Mark buying  a dixie chicks cd

Mark shoppin at a garage sale - testing a love meter - little kid says - you got less then me

A large Monkey puzzle tree

garter snake puking up slug

garter snake puking up slug

garter snake puking up slug

Cute wild bunny rabbit

Cute wild bunny rabbit

Interesting looking amber

Interesting looking amber

Interesting looking amber

Interesting looking amber

Interesting looking amber

Interesting looking amber

Interesting looking amber

A large yellow striped garter snake tail

multi colored lizards

A wild plant that was really hard to get the camera to focus on

pretty yellow wild flower

K said this was her favorite duck

K said this was her favorite duck

A wild bunny rabbit

Grandpa boats old barometer - giving to Ethan

Grandpa boats old barometer - giving to Ethan

cool moss covered tree

nice looking clouds

nice looking clouds at puget sound beach

interesting looking mallard duck

mallard ducks

pond has a horrible looking red algae growing in it - looks like red tide, but this is fresh water

pond has a horrible looking red algae growing in it - looks like red tide, but this is fresh water

pond has a horrible looking red algae growing in it - looks like red tide, but this is fresh water

pond has a horrible looking red algae growing in it - looks like red tide, but this is fresh water

garter snake puking up slug - in action